MultiEffectState QML Type

A State that applies a MultiEffect to a video when active. More...

Import Statement: import MediaFX



Detailed Description

// Copyright (C) 2024 Andrew Wason
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later

import QtQuick
import QtQuick.Effects
import MediaFX

Item {
    MediaClip {
        id: videoClip

        source: Qt.resolvedUrl("../fixtures/assets/blue-320x180-30fps-3s-awb44100.nut")

        Component.onCompleted: {
    VideoRenderer {
        id: videoRenderer

        anchors.fill: parent
        mediaClip: videoClip

        states: MultiEffectState {
            name: "filter"
            source: videoRenderer
            effect: effect
            // From 1-2 sec into the video, switch to greyscale
            when: (videoClip.currentFrameTime.containedBy(1000, 2000))
    MultiEffect {
        id: effect
        saturation: -1.0
        visible: false
        anchors.fill: videoRenderer

See also State and MultiEffect.

Property Documentation

effect : MultiEffect [required]

The effect instance to apply to the video

source : Item [required]

The item to apply the effect to